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17 Things Your Husband Should Never Say to You

Marriage Communication

17 Things Your Husband Should Never Say to You

Being married is awesome, but it's not always easy! I've learned a lot over the years, and one thing's for sure: words matter. Here are some things I've learned (sometimes the hard way!) that your husband should never say to you. Trust me, these can lead to big arguments and hurt feelings:

Disrespect & Contempt:

  • "Are you on your period?" This makes you feel small and like he's not taking you seriously.
  • "You're just like your mother." Ouch! This is hurtful and brings family drama into your relationship.
  • "You're overreacting/being dramatic." This makes you feel like he's not listening to your feelings.
  • "I don't care." This one stings! It makes you feel like he doesn't care about you or what you're going through.
  • "You knew I was like this when you married me." We all make mistakes, but this isn't an excuse to be hurtful.

Control & Manipulation:

  • "If you really loved me, you would..." This is unfair pressure and makes you feel guilty.
  • "You're crazy/imagining things." This makes you question yourself and can be really damaging.
  • "Don't tell anyone about this." This is a big red flag. It's important to be able to talk to friends and family.
  • "You're lucky to have me." Nope! You're both lucky to have each other, and this kind of talk throws things out of balance.
  • "I was just joking!" Words hurt, even if he says he's joking. He should be mindful of your feelings.

Neglect & Indifference:

  • "Whatever you want." While he may think he's being agreeable, always saying this makes you feel like he doesn't care about your opinions.
  • "I'm too tired to talk about it right now." It's okay to postpone a tough conversation sometimes, but always being "too tired" shows he's not prioritizing your relationship.
  • "That's your problem, not mine." You're a team, and you should tackle problems together, not push each other away.
  • "It's not a big deal." Your feelings are valid, and he should acknowledge them, even if he doesn't feel the same way.
  • "Can you just drop it?" Avoiding problems only makes them worse. Talking things through is important.

Disregard for Your Value:

  • "You've put on weight." This one hurts! Comments about your body are never okay.
  • "My ex used to..." The past is the past! You are not his ex, and he should focus on your relationship.
  • "You're not good at that." This is discouraging and hurtful. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses.
  • "I wish you were more like..." He should love you for who you are, not who he wants you to be.
  • "You're always wrong." No one is always wrong. This is disrespectful and makes you feel bad.

Remember, communication and respect are key in a marriage. If your husband says these things, it's important to talk to him about how they make you feel. You deserve to be treated with love and kindness!

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